
논문명 Deep Leanring-Based Approaches for Classifying Foraminal Stenosis Using Cervical Spine Radiographs
학술지명 electronics
논문종류 01 SCI
제1저자 Jiho Park
교신저자 Jihie Kim
공동저자 Jaejun Yang, Sehan Park, Jihie Kim
Impact Factor 2.69000

 Various disease detection models, based on deep learning algorithms using medical radiograph images (MRI, CT, and X-ray), have been actively explored in relation to medicine and computer vision. For diseases related to the spine, primarily MRI-based or CT-based studies have been conducted, but most studies were associated with the lumbar spine, not the cervical spine. Foraminal stenosis offers important clues in diagnosing cervical radiculopathy, which is usually detected based on MRI data because it is difficult even for experts to diagnose using only an X-ray examination. However, MRI examinations are expensive, placing a potential burden on patients. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel model for diagnosing foraminal stenosis using only X-ray images. In addition, we propose methods suitable for cervical spine X-ray images to improve the performance of the proposed classification model. First, the proposed model adopts data preprocessing and augmentation methods, including Histogram Equalization, Flip, and patial Transformer Networks. Second, we apply fine-tuned transfer learning using a pre-trained ResNet50 with cervical spine X-ray images. Compared to the basic ResNet50 model, the proposed method improves the performance of foraminal stenosis diagnosis by approximately 5.3–6.9%, 5.2–6.5%, 5.4–9.2%, and 0.8–4.3% in Accuracy, F1 score, specificity, and sensitivity, respectively. We expect that the proposed model can contribute towards reducing the cost of expensive examinations by detecting foraminal stenosis using X-ray images only.

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