논문명 | A Study on the Video Conference System based on Web RTC |
개최일 | 2022.06.22 |
학술회의명 | CR2022 |
책임교수 | |
구분 | 구두발표 |
제1저자 | Kyung-jae Kim |
교신저자 | Yunsik Son |
공동저자 | Aria Seo, Yunsik Son |
국내/국외 | 국내 |
개최국가 | KR |
주관기관 | |
As Online video streaming has grown significantly in recent years, and various platform services for real-time streaming are developing together. As the impact of COVID-19 began to spread around the world, as the government announced measures to postpone the reopening of schools, each school announced the reopening of schools online, and face-to-face distance education was implemented as a nationwide education system. Therefore, using WebRTC (Web Real-time Communication), we intend to build a web platform that can provide real-time streaming services without a separate plug-in and utilize it in fields such as education and video conferencing. However, in the case of multiple WebRTC connections instead of one streaming target, there is a problem that can reduce the quality of user experience. Therefore, in this paper, we try to optimize the user experience quality by dynamically adjusting the video frame and bit rate according to the number of user connections to optimize the image quality |