논문명 | A study on web crawling technology to collect drug advertisement information. |
개최일 | 2021.10.21 |
학술회의명 | 2021 한국스마트치안학회 국제학술대회 |
책임교수 | |
구분 | 구두발표 |
제1저자 | Mu-Young Cheong |
교신저자 | Yunsik Son |
공동저자 | Heesu Kim, Huong Nguyen Dinh, Yunsik Son |
국내/국외 | 국외 |
개최국가 | 대한민국 |
주관기관 | |
Recently COVID-19 situation, Internet usage is increasing rapidly, and non-face-to-face drug transactions by the general public through social network services (SNS) and the Internet are increasing. Drug advertisements that existed on the Deep Web or Dark Web are gradually spreading through the Internet and SNS for easy access to the general public. Drug transactions are made using Twitter, Telegram, and Instagram to avoid tracking by investigative agencies. The transaction method is also changing to untact transactions by receiving deposits in virtual currency such as Bitcoin and leaving drugs in certain places. Drug-related investigative agencies recognize the need to manage the rapidly increasing number of drug transactions and are investigating them. However, Compared to the size of the increase and the changing method, the investigation is difficult due to the lack of manpower. For this reason, there is a need for a web crawling system capable of automatically collecting, checking, and taking action on drug advertisement information. |