논문명 | A Study on Computed Tomography Based Technique for predicting prognosis in Patients with Chronic Pulmonary Lung Disease (COPD) |
개최일 | 2021.11.26 |
학술회의명 | 한국멀티미디어학회 2024 추계학술발표대회 |
책임교수 | |
구분 | 구두발표 |
제1저자 | 우호 |
교신저자 | 손윤식 |
공동저자 | 누비아, 박진경, 손윤식 |
국내/국외 | 국내 |
개최국가 | 대한민국 |
주관기관 | |
Recently, there has been a gradual increase in research on diaphragm functions fused with computer engineering-related techniques in the medical field. Therefore, this paper proposes a technique for evaluating the function of the diaphragm through chest computed tomography for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) substitution. The proposed technique utilizes a patient’s chest segmentation algorithm to extract the diaphragm region from 2D slice images, and calculate the dynamic change experienced during breathing by calculating the diaphragm area and volume difference during inhalation and exhalation |